CBT-1 – SleepSanity Skip to content

SleepSanity will change the way you sleep forever.

SleepSanity and CBT-I


In the realm of sleep, there exists a dedicated group of experts who have undergone specialized training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I).

This proven therapeutic approach is remarkably effective in addressing insomnia
without resorting to pharmaceutical interventions, relying instead on lifestyle

The consensus among CBT-I
practitioners underscores the pivotal role of establishing a consistent routine
and cultivating a sleep-friendly environment, prioritizing aspects like light
and sound sensitivity. These fundamental principles are at the heart of the
SleepSanity model.

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One fundamental aspect of CBT-I
is the establishment of a soothing bedtime ritual, serving as a signal to the
body that it's time to unwind and prepare for sleep. This ritual can involve
activities like reading, enjoying a warm bath, or practicing relaxation
exercises and avoiding electronics.

SleepSanity offers a
structured routine by gradually reducing ambient light and simulating a
progressive darkening of the room at a consistent rate each night.
Simultaneously, the noise-canceling function of SleepSanity enhances the overall sleep environment.